ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
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Laboratoire d’Analyse et d’Architecture des Systèmes

LAAS ( (Laboratoire d’Analyse et d’Architecture des Systèmes) is a research unit of CNRS ( (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique). It is associated with three university institutions in Toulouse: UPS (Paul Sabatier University), INSA (National Institute of Applied Science) and INP (Polytechnic National Institute). LAAS was officially set up on July 10, 1967 and has currently a total 600 persons on 12,000 sq.m facilities.  LAAS’ research activities fall within the domain of Information Sciences and technologies and address complex systems (artificial and sometimes natural) generally heterogeneous, and at different scales, to devise theories, methodologies and tools for modeling, designing and controlling them.  Research, innovation and transfer are tied. The lab has a history of strong relationships with industry and works in a large number of collaborative projects with international, national and regional industries of all size. LAAS was one of the 20 first “Carnot Institutes” labeled in 2006. LAAS has inaugurated a new research platform within the smart building ADREAM (Reconfigurable Dynamic Architectures for Embedded Autonomous Mobile Systems) ( in July 2012.


The participation of LAAS to this project is under the leadership of the SARA  (Services and Architectures for Advanced Networks) research team issued from the former OLC research group at LAAS. The SARA research team’s work addresses new generation networks and communicating systems and their applications. Our research studies address the design, the planning, the deployment management, and the monitoring. The addressed studies include the development of methods, models and tools as well as the design and implementation of architectures, protocols and services. In particular, our research work focuses on analysis, performance evaluation, control and prototyping of software and communication platforms.


The Explored research areas within the research team SARA include:

  • Monitoring, Modeling and traffic analysis.
  • Autonomic communication architectures.
  • Protocol mechanisms and adaptive or guaranteed services.
  • Planning and optimization of networks.
  • Development of experimental platforms.
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Project participation

ITEA 2 Call 1
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Winner Achievement Awards Silver 2011
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Ubiquitous M2M Service Networks